Welcome to Little Lobito!

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July 15, 2024
Our little Babette (Little Lobito Joya Babette) has her birthday today and is now 13 years old!

December 24, 2023
We wish all visitors to our website a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

September 28, 2023
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jenaro.

July 15, 2023
Did someone just say TWELVE? That makes my head spin... Babette (Little Lobito Joya Babette) and her brothers and sisters from our J-Litter turned 12 years old today! Congratulations to all of them!

And Little Lobito Jonay sends greetings from Norway in our latest Lobito-Post!

February 25, 2023
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jeidi.

December 24, 2022
We wish all visitors to our website a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

August 13, 2022
Our little Uschi (Rayma Corbella) turned 15 years old today!

July 19, 2022
Little Lobito Jenaro sent us new Lobito-Post as well.

July 15, 2022
We-ve got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Joven and Little Lobito Jonay for the birthday of our J-litter.

December 28, 2021
Now our Irma (Little Lobito Irma) has also turned 13 years old! Time flies by...

December 24, 2021
We wish all visitors to our website a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

August 13, 2021
Hard to believe, but true: our little Uschi (Rayma Corbella) turned 14 years old today!

August 8, 2021
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jonay.

July 17, 2021
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Joven.

May 28, 2021
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jonay.

March 21, 2021
Hilde (Little Lobito Hilda) enjoys her "birthday nap", because she turned 13 years old today!

February 15, 2021
For a long time, we haven't had as much snow as in the last few days. Reason enough, to take some photos...

January 7, 2021
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Ingrid.

December 28, 2020
For well-known reasons, we didn't have any holidays this year ... so we made the best of it and stayed in beautiful Wetter-Albringhausen.
Here are our photos...

December 24, 2020
We wish all visitors to our website a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

December 16, 2020
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jenaro.

September 9, 2020
Last year in August I attended the weekend seminar for the "Masterson Method" in Bad Sachsa. I was so enthusiastic - not only about the method, but also about the systematic structure of the workshop - that I registered for the 5-day advanced course as soon as the dates for 2020 were announced (continue...).

August 21, 2020
We are switching off the light on our website! But, of course, only for those who are using the so-called "dark mode" on their smartphones ;-). The colors of the (most current) pages will then automatically adjust to the selected mode. So, just try it out and see what you like best (a click on the right picture will show you a first impression). Have fun!

July 26, 2020
After a long time, we've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Grisu, who unfortunately died already in March, but lived happily with his new family in Belgium for many years.

July 12, 2020
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Havanna.

June 6, 2020
In the July issue of the German magazine "Der Hund" (available since 3 June), there is a breed portrait about the Galgo. A small foretaste can already be found on the website of the magazine.

April 24, 2020
Face masks are now also available at Spreadshirt!

Quickly order from:


March 22, 2020
Yesterday, our H-Litter celebrated its birthday! Here is a new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Habanera.

December 24, 2019
We wish all visitors to our website a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

December 8, 2019
Before the year comes to an end, there is one more photo report from our second trip this year to France, which led us, amongst others, to the Loire as well as other canals and rivers. We wish you a lot of fun!

December 1, 2019
Christmas is coming, it is about time to buy presents...

November 18, 2019
FYI: we've got a new telephone number, which you will find here.

August 29, 2019
About four years ago, a 7-page article was pub­lished in a horse maga­zine about a re­vo­lu­tionary method to relax horses, where even a non-expert can sup­posed­ly do nothing wrong. I thought I'd try it on my Manni.... continue...

August 18, 2019
Already at the end of June we were in Normandy for a few days. Here is a little photo report...

July 15, 2019
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Joven.

June 23, 2019
After a long time, the special Galgo exhibition took place in Gelsenkirchen, close to our home. And therefore, it was a good opportunity to go there in order to meet our friends from the Galgo world again, although we neither wanted to exhibit nor to look for stud dogs... read more...

March 21, 2019
On the occasion of our H-Litter's Birthday, we are happy to present new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Hugo and his sister Habanera.

March 16, 2019
In the recent­ly published spe­cial edi­tion of the DWZRV club maga­zine "Un­se­re Wind­hun­de", you can see a multi-page por­trait of Claudia and her sight­hound art. Many thanks again to Nicole Schmitjes, who made this possible!

Indi­vi­dual copies of the jour­nal can usual­ly be ordered di­rect­ly from the DWZRV.

December 24, 2018
We wish all visitors to our website a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

November 21, 2018
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Ingrid and Jeidi.

October 12, 2018
Only few months after publishing, our latest Galgo book is already listed as "BESTSELLER" at Books on Demand (BoD):

September 20, 2018
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Joven.

September 3, 2018
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jonay.

August 15, 2018
This year, the Sighthound Festival Donau­eschingen celebrated its 25th anniversary and in addition, this year's Galgo Special took place there on Saturday. Two good reasons for us - besides the reunion with many friends - to go there. And like always, we, of course, made a lot of photos which you can see here.

July 17, 2018
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Jonay.

June 20, 2018
Like to see more horse pictures? Claudia took some photos at her ridung stable, where three foals were born a few days ago. Manni (photo), however, has only horrified looks left for the bustle...

June 4, 2018
In our Lobito-Post of today we've got a photo of Little Lobito Ines.

May 28, 2018
For a change, we were not at a dog show but visited the Equi­tana Open Air in Neuss on Sunday. Here you will find some photo impres­sions from there.

May 24, 2018
We've got two more great pictures of Little Lobito Francisca which can be found in our Lobito-Post.

April 4, 2018
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Hugo.

February 17, 2018 (Update)
Our new Galgo book is now available:

Galgos - Vom Campo auf die Couch February 11, 2018
Our latest Galgo book with the title "Galgos - Vom Campo auf die Couch" is ready now and can be ordered soon.
In this book, we focus on the nature, beha­vior and pecu­liari­ties of Gal­gos. Much of this is pri­mari­ly aimed at those, who want to of­fer a new home to a for­mer hun­ting galgo from Spain, but the vast majo­ri­ty is also interes­ting for owners of gal­gos from FCI bree­ding, as traits, charac­ter and beha­vior are high­ly typi­cal for the breed, regard­less of where a galgo ulti­mate­ly comes from.
More info at our website galgobuch.de.

January 30, 2018

Today, our little Finchen (Little Lobito Delfina) turns...

January 16, 2018
We've got new Lobito-Post from Little Lobito Joven.

January 9, 2018
We've got another wonderfull picture of Little Lobito Francisca which can be found in our Lobito-Post.

Further news